Class outline

    1. Introduction

    2. From baby to a toddler

    3. Inside your toddler's brain

    4. A glimpse into your child's brain - handout

    1. Strategy 1: "Staying connected" or "The 5:1 ratio"

    2. Strategy 2: “I love you rituals”

    3. Strategy 3: “Floor time” or "The 10-minute rule"

    4. Strategy 4: Self-care

    5. Strategy 5: Environment and conditions for success

    6. Strategy 6: Choosing your battles

    7. Preventative strategies for reducing challenging behaviors - handout

    1. Why are toddlers so challenging?

    2. Strategy 1: Honor the impulse behind the behavior and ABA strategy

    3. Strategy 2: Stop negative behavior before it starts

    4. Strategy 3: Engagement

    5. Strategy 4: “All else fail” or “Identify the feeling”

    6. Strategies for working through challenging behaviors - handout

About this course

  • 17 lessons
  • Rebecca Walsh, Parenting Expert


“Rebecca's positive parenting suggestions work like a charm! We’ve already experienced less crying and fewer tantrums with our newly honed skills. Many thanks!”


“I took the “Parenting a Toddler” class with Rebecca Walsh. It was invaluable and I learned so much. I appreciated gaining some insight into what is going on in my toddler’s growing brain and learning the various strategies—both preventative and in response to behaviors. I have seen a change in the way we interact when I am employing these strategies at home. I would highly recommend this class to any parent/caregiver of a toddler. Thank you for this opportunity!”


“This class had a positive impact in our house within days (we watched it together with my wife). Enjoyed the small segments and ability to rewatch as needed. ”
